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Are you one to take a challenge head on?

Put your new knowledge to the test below


Food Label Quiz

The link provided will allow you to put your new knowledge to the test as you examine and evaluate each of the following items and answer accordingly. 

Please read the instructions of the game to ensure you have given yourself the best opportunity to succeed. 

My Healthy Lunch Box

This activity allows you to select five contents you wish to place inside your own personal lunch box and will then provide you with a rating. This game will allow you to put your knowledge to the test,putting you in the drivers seat where you can take responsibility for king healthy eating choices. 

What is the serving size?

This game will test your knowledge on where the information is located within a food label. You must read the question and use the mouse to click on the information it is asking for. For further instructions follow the link below. 

How well Can you Read a Food label?

Click on the link below to download a Question and answer worksheet. Once complete write your name across the top and hand it into your teacher for marking. 

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